Sunday, November 6, 2011

Snack on That: Sweet Potato Fries

Potatoes are one of the most popular foods, judging how that are one of the main ingredients in the beloved french fry. Opt for baked sweet potato fries instead. They are amazing sources of vitamin C and A. The potato already has a natural sweetness which pair well will some healthy dips. Plus: each serving has between 80-100 calories! 

1/2 large sweet potato (cut into wedges) 
Drizzle a little olive oil (for a less fattening oil, just spray Pam over strips)
Dash of salt and pepper

Bake a 400 degrees for 10 minutes, turn fries, back for another 10 minutes, and enjoy!
Calories: 81 

2 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and cut into wedges) 
2 tablespoons olive oil 
Dash of salt and pepper 
**for extra taste, add 1 tablespoon of brown sugar** 

Bake a 400 degrees for 10 minutes, turn fries, back for another 10 minutes, and enjoy! 

Recipe can be found here.

These are a delicious snack or side dish! I love the taste, and the healthy vitamins included!
XOXO Charlotte

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